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Pull Up Benefits

Posted by Unknown ~ الخميس، 6 فبراير 2014

8 Pull Up Benefits

The pull up exercise is considered one of the best training exercises muscle building and strength . Do not feel left out or intimidated if you are out of shape and I can not even imagine doing a repeat - There are several variations that make it much easier to achieve, and allow a gradual transition to the standard technique.

My goal with this article is to explain the many benefits of this classic movement and illustrate why it is literally one of the best exercises you can perform. If you are not already a basic exercise in your exercise regime or weight lifting routine , then get ready to make that change.

Tractions are " closed kinetic chain exercises " ( CCC exercises ) . Ie involving lift the body and no extra weight with your hands or feet (which are in a fixed position). Other examples include push-ups , squats, and dips. This type of exercise is generally considered superior to " open kinetic chain exercises " with regard to safety and strength and performance results.

Pull Up benefits. Tractions are particularly effective for achieving results that improve everything from aesthetics to performance to physiological health .

Stimulate and develop more muscles. As CKC exercise, you can hit the opposing muscles to a greater extent (eg to reach the biceps and triceps significantly) Exercise Equipment .
Improve balance and core strength . As CKC exercise , another advantage of training and core stabilization muscles is improved (eg , you have to balance and control the rest of your body , while lower , then pulling his body back up) .
Simplicity. Good technique is easy to learn, however , exercise can produce remarkable results in the upper body . As mentioned above, there are other variants of the easy technique to learn, allowing you to make the exercise easier to manage if you're not strong enough.
At home or on the road. Probably the most convenient is to take advantage of this essential exercise upper body can be done easily ... almost everywhere. You do not have traditional gym equipment , there is one bar or whatever you can hold with enough free space above his head (even runs a tree branch !) .
Build upper body muscle and strength. This exercise develops several muscle groups including the back , chest, forearms and arms and deltoids ( including buttocks and abs to an extent ) . This exercise allows you to move continuously from the use of body weight , but you can also add external weight when a challenge is necessary , therefore, has the potential to build muscle fast .
Benefits drag . Once you get the hang of the technique ( which is relatively easy ) and gradually increase your sets and reps , you will see that all the other exercises upper body suit and become much easier (eg bent over the dead lines) weight. But do not get stronger by simply pulling exercises - also gaining strength movements like pushing large bench presses and overhead presses .
Wrestling, Skills Climbing Wrastlin . You will benefit dramatically if they are in MMA , climbing or any other sport that incorporates a lot of traction , grip and grappling moves . Even if you are not associated with these sports, these movements can be vital in situations of life and death. (For example, the fight against 100 ninjas on your way to work , or just hanging on the edge of the cliff with one hand while using the other to deal with her ​​mobile phone - . D)
Posture improvement and pain relief . If you spend several hours sitting and / or leaning day , then most likely the back muscles are weak and stretched while the chest muscles are tight and inflexible: There is one ( of several ) recipe for bad position . But exercise more intensely directed up the muscles of the upper back and middle and posterior deltoids (rear ie shoulders). Therefore, this and other pulling exercises (eg dead lines) can treat and prevent the common muscle imbalances - between the front / rear deltoid muscles and back / chest - which are known to cause postural deficiencies and a host of related topics ( for example , back and neck injuries and chronic pain).

After explaining the benefits of lifting range , I hope I have convinced you of the effectiveness of this movement. No matter if you are experienced powerlifter Pull Up Bar , competitive bodybuilder or a parent concerned about the health and at home - Anyone can enjoy the long list of benefits that come from a diamond pushups under his regime.

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